For veterans seeking to participate in DE-CRUIT in cities Leigh Valley, PA; Saratoga Springs, NY; Samaritan Village (NYC), NY; East Village CREATE Lab (NYC), NY, please see the attached flyer regarding very soon upcoming DE-CRUIT programs. If you are interested in participating, please contact Stephan Wolfert as soon as possible at 323-533-2847 |
New Upcoming DE-CRUIT Programs

Hi Stephan,
I received your announcement of the GoFindMe campaign. I am doing the same. Martin Jason Asprey is going to be my director and we will start rehearsing in late September. We met four tomes prior to our being cast in (different) shows and I loved working with him. I would like to attend your workshops in Saratoga could you please send me information on location and time. I would love to see and learn how you work. All the best,
PS. I assume you are no longer using the outreach @ bedlam email any more so I hope this reaches you soon.